+49 (0)171 5213578 info@yogaleela.de

David Vosen / Swami Ramakrishna

Inner Child Work & Advaita Vedanta
Maha Yoga – Your Path to Mental & Emotional Freedom

‘Whenever you want to change or improve something in your life, there is only one place where it can really happen: within you.’ Ramakrishna

David Vosen / *Swami Ramakrishna The Path to Myself

CEO Yogaleela

Born as David Vosen on 16 March 1977 in Cologne, my journey began not as a teacher but as a seeker. In 1997, when I took my first steps as a coach, I myself was full of questions, insecurities and doubts. My thoughts revolved incessantly around topics such as money, security, independence – and the longing for a fulfilled, happy life.

Without realising it, I sabotaged myself and moved further and further away from the life I actually wanted to lead. Deep-seated dissatisfaction and thoughts of lack separated me from myself, from other people and from my inner truth.

Reiki Meister Swami Ramakrishna

But the real transformative journey began much later. On 16 March 2019, histamine intolerance suddenly entered my life – an unexpected turning point that ultimately culminated in a stroke a year later. This turning point completely uprooted me from my familiar life.
It was a time when all my previous convictions, life concepts and habits were put to the test. Step by step, I began to rediscover myself, to find healing and to develop a deeper connection to myself.
The Swami I am today emerged from these experiences, from pain and transformation. They shaped me into the therapist, companion and teacher who not only talks about his journey but also supports others on their path with the utmost conviction.
My story is an invitation to find one’s own path to inner truth – even if the beginning may be rocky. Because every step on this journey brings us closer to ourselves.

Become aware of your thoughts and needs,

for they control your life!

Swami Ramakrishna

Breaking to become whole

It was only when all illusions were shattered that I was ready to truly look at myself – without masks, without excuses. This breaking was the key to my healing and the path to what I am today.

The path out of darkness, illness and the desperate call of my needy ego led me to the teachings of Sri Ramana. Bit by bit, the illusion of the ego dissolved, and in this dissolution I found the silence of the mind and the experience of self-realisation.

Today, this journey has become a service to others. I accompany people who are being called to their true path by the challenges of life. Not a ‘colourful ego show’, but an honest, mindful accompaniment to arrive in the now – where healing and wholeness really begin.

‘Whenever you want to change or improve something in your life, there is only one place where it can really happen: within you.’ Ramakrishna Swami

The most formative trainings:

  • 25 years of practical experience – holistic coaching & spiritual healing
  • Psychology of Vision
  • NLP Master
  • Yoga teacher, Yin Yoga & Soulful Flow teacher
  • Advaita Vedanta according to Sri Ramana
  • Maha Atma

Your path to yourself – honest, profound, transformative

In my courses, I accompany you in a way that is both pictorial and humorous, as well as profound, unconditional and honest. Together, we venture through inner doors that you may have kept closed so far – and that is exactly where the path to your true self begins.

I will always meet you where you are and leave no question unanswered. With enthusiasm and love for my work, I will help you to open your eyes to yourself – as you really are, and not as your ego would have you believe. This deep insight can change your life: blame and negative feelings disappear, and in their place arises clarity, lightness and joie de vivre.

I will show you new perspectives in a true-to-life, practical way, without false embellishment. I will reach you where you are ready to engage in the process and open up paths for you that you might not yet have been able to recognise on your own. These paths lead to your growth, to a deeper connection with yourself and to a life that feels inwardly fulfilled and balanced.

If you are ready to truly encounter yourself, I look forward to accompanying you on this journey.

*Swami: I am a free Swami (Hindu monk) and do not belong to any religious community or similar association! The path I have lived and practised as a Swami is Advaita Vedanta!




You can find my new book on Amazon here!

The Orange Thread: Your Guide to Clarity and Inner Growth

Sometimes we long for orientation in the midst of the daily hustle and bustle, for moments of calm or a new perspective on life’s challenges. ‘The Orange Thread’ is here to guide you on this journey.

This book is not a work that you have to read from cover to cover in one go. Rather, it invites you to explore the chapters that particularly appeal to you or touch you at the moment. Each topic stands on its own, but at the same time all the chapters come together to form an inspiring whole.

Discover thoughts on relationships, self-discovery, personal success and contentment. Let yourself be inspired to pause, gain new perspectives and shape your own path step by step.

A book for everyone who doesn’t want to lose themselves, but to find themselves.



You are worthy of happiness. You are worthy of love, from everyone else, but above all from yourself.

My training in detail

IT – Businessman IHK

IT Specialist IHK

Inner Child Work

Yoga teacher, Yin Yoga, Soulful Flow Yoga

Advaita Vedanta

Coaching, Mediation, Supervision

NLP Master (Neurolinguistic Programming)

Personality Development

Gestalt Therapy

EFT – Acupressure

Systemic Coaching

Nonviolent Communication


Meditation & Silence Teacher

Practitioner of the new teachings from Russia

Shamanic healing

Reiki Master & teacher in the system of natural healing according to Dr. Usui

Huna – the teachings of Hawaii

Inka – healing methods of the path of Q’eros

ThetaHealing Practitioner

MatrixHealing Master Practitioner

Matrix Energetics Practitioner

and more…

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David Vosen Info Channel, feel free to visit me on YouTube